Mike Grossman Consulting - Newsletter

Published: Fri, 03/18/16

How to Build a Site Using Wordpress 

The great thing about building a new website is that you can use what the latest and greatest technologies have to offer. When I build a small website for a client I start by deciding on which Content Management System is best suited for the project. My favorite CMS is Wordpress. It's free software that you can build a website on.

SEO Made Easy
If your website is built on top of a CMS like Wordpress then you have access to thousands of free plugins. The Yoast SEO plugin is essential for improving your site's SEO and I included it in all the websites I build. 
Would your business benefit from an e-mail marketing campaign?
Mike Grossman Consulting offers a Multimedia package to help you get your e-marketing off the ground. I can work with you to craft an e-mail newsletter using the Aweber software.