Mike Grossman Consulting - Newsletter, May 2016

Published: Tue, 05/10/16

Website updates and improvements for everyone!
When I finish a website project for a customer I offer them an opportunity to sign up for my monthly "Maintenance Plan". This is a low cost option for my customers to update their website on an ongoing basis. I'm proud to announce, that starting today, anyone can subscribe to the monthly maintenance plan regardless of who originally built their website.

Build the Perfect Web Form
Do you want visitors to your website to be able to leave comments and ask you questions? What about letting them sign up for your newsletter or a webinar? If so, then you need a web form on your website. For great looking web forms I suggest using the Ninja Forms plugin if you have a Wordpress website. The Ninja Forms plugin is free and has lots of extensions if you want to accomplish something more sophisticated. 
How do you manage your customer information?
Mike Grossman Consulting is now using Google Apps for Work. As a result I've got a new email address: mike@mikegrossmanconsulting.com. I'm also now using ProsperWorks CRM which is a very powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. It is the only CRM recommended by Google and it integrates seamlessly with Google Apps for Work. Let's talk if you're interested in getting started with a new CRM.