Mike Grossman Consulting - Newsletter, October 2017

Published: Thu, 10/19/17

Welcome to another monthly edition of the Mike Grossman Consulting newsletter! This month, I highlight technology products for healthy living. These tools can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight by tracking what you eat, how active you are and how much you weight. Best of all, these tools integrate with one another allowing for information to pass between them giving you data-driven metrics for better understanding your health. 

For those of you in the Boston, MA area, I've got recommendations for massage and acupuncture that you can enjoy for yourself or give as a gift to a loved one.
Also, if you want to read one of my previous newsletters you can find it here on my website: Mike Grossman Consulting Newsletters
 You Are What You Eat
MyFitnessPal is a free app and website that helps you track your diet. MyFitnessPal has a food journal and, if you use it daily, it can be a very powerful tool for tracking calories. Not only can you see how well you are eating, but also you might discover that certain foods have more or less calories than you had expected. MyFitnessPal connects with other health and fitness apps and devices making it very easy to store all of your health information in one place.

Take Control of Your Fitness

A fitness tracker, like the Fitbit, is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Fitbit tracks how far you walk (or run), how many stairs you climb and how many calories you burn every day. If you've connected your Fitbit to MyFitnessPal you can compare how many calories you've eaten vs how many you've burned. Also, if you don't want anyone to see that you're wearing a FitBit on your wrist they sell a less expensive model that you carry in your pocket

The Moment of Truth  

Stepping on the scale can be daunting but it's better to know your weight than not to. In fact, it's suggested that you step on the scale every day. What better way to keep track than by using a Bluetooth enabled scale? My favorite Bluetooth scale, by Weight Gurus, like Fitbit connects to MyFitnessPal so your daily weigh-in is stored along with your calorie and exercise information giving you a better understanding of your overall health.

The Power of Alternative Medicine
Both acupuncture and massage can play a big part in helping you feel healthy. I'd like to introduce Debbie Baker who owns Debbie Baker Massage and Patricia Dorris who owns Five Element Acupuncture. I've worked with both Debbie and Patricia and they are fantastic. Check out their respective websites to schedule an appointment.
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