Mike Grossman Consulting - Newsletter, December 2017 - Holiday Edition

Published: Wed, 12/20/17

Happy Holidays from Mike Grossman Consulting! In this newsletter, I unveil my picks for the Best Free Software of 2017. Use the links below to download free software now... 

Best Free Web Browser Extension  
Grammarly is a grammar and spelling checker that highlights any mistakes you might make while filling out forms or writing emails in your web browser. Start catching mistakes immediately and begin to write more effectively.

Alternative to: Microsoft Word

Available for​​​​​​​: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge
Best Free Personal Finance Software  
Mint is a free, personal financial management tool that is fantastic for keeping an eye on your money.
Alternative to: Quicken
Available for: Android, iPhone and Web
 Best Free Office Software
OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more.

Alternative to: Microsoft Office

Available for: Microsoft Windows and OS X. 

Best Free Graphics Editor

GIMP is a free and open-source graphics editor used for image retouching and editing, free-form drawing, and converting between different image formats.

Alternative to: Adobe Photoshop

Available for: Microsoft Windows and OS X.

Best Free Video Conferencing

Skype is a telecommunications software product that enables you to use your computer, tablet or mobile device to hold video chats or voice calls with others.

Alternative to: Google Hangout

Available for: Microsoft Windows, OS X, Android and iPhone
Best Free Anti-virus Protection 
AVG Anti-virus offers very effective anti-virus and anti-malware protection. With its recently updated look and feel, AVG Anti-virus is worth checking out.

Alternative to: Norton Anti-Virus

Available for​​​​​​​: Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Android

If you want to read one of my previous newsletters you can find it here on my website: Mike Grossman Consulting Newsletters
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