Mike Grossman Consulting - Newsletter, January 2018 - SEO Edition

Published: Thu, 01/25/18

Hello and welcome to another edition of my newsletter where I discuss all things software related. This month I'll focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and a few easy steps you can take to get started.  

SEO is a combination of techniques used to improve your website's ranking in search results and to drive more traffic to your website. 

 Measure Your Results
Using analytics to measure your SEO campaign is crucial. This is the only way to figure out who's visiting your website, where they come from and what kind of engagement they are experiencing.

Google Analytics is a great free tool to measure your sites traffic data (aka analytics). Connecting your website to Google Analytics is always the first step in an SEO campaign.

It might be a little too difficult for novices to set up but I strongly encourage everyone to do so. Please contact us if you need help. The sooner you get connected the sooner you'll understand more about your business.
Website Performance

How quickly does your website load? How quickly does the mobile version of your website load? The speed of your website directly impacts your SEO. 

If the images on your website are very large they can slow down the speed at which pages load. One solution is to compress your images (reduce their file size). For Wordpress websites, you can use a plugin like WP Smush. This free plugin allows you to quickly compress all of your image files through an easy to use interface. 

Local SEO  
Creating external links that point to your website is a great way to improve your SEO. Combine that with using local online directories to drive local customers to your site and you've got Local SEO. For example, Google My Business offers a free business listing where owners can add information including photos, a map of their location, hours and more. Sign up now so your local customers can find you more easily.


Get Your SEO Audit

There are many other ways to improve your website's SEO but the only way to know is by doing an SEO audit. 

I provide an affordable, no strings attached, one time SEO audit using leading SEO tools to show you exactly what parts of your site need improvement. After that, we can correct all the problem areas and your site will be fully optimized so customers can easily find you on the web.

If you want to read one of my previous newsletters you can find it here on my website: Mike Grossman Consulting Newsletters
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