Hello and welcome back to another edition of the newsletter. This month I'll discuss why answering common questions, in an easy to understand fashion, is a great addition to your website.
One way to do this is by creating a Frequently Asked Questions section. A list of commonly asked questions with a specific and detailed answer to each question.
FAQs have many benefits for your website: They help your SEO (especially when you use the proper schema mark-up). They build trust with your target audience. And FAQs save time getting your website visitors the information they need.
Also, when users can find this information on your website, it reduces the demand on you and your employees because you'll have fewer requests for information.
When you're ready to start building your FAQ, put together your most commonly asked questions (from email, staff, customer service). Then write answers that are clear and easy to read. The following products will help you get those questions and answers onto your website or published on the web.